How to buy @username in Telegram or sell your own
Last update allowed Telegram users to buy and sell their @usernames as NFT through the Fragment marketplace. Pavel Durov called the moment when the power has started to shift into users' hands an important milestone.
Probably addresses will be the starting point, and in the future we will see examples of tokenization of channels, stickers, bots and more. And this is the first steps of Telegram towards WEB 3.0, stay tuned.
How to sell your username
1. Go to site
2. Connect your account with Connect Telegram and your wallet with Connect TON button.
3. Open Convert to Collectibles page and choose one of your usernames.
4. Confirm the action in the @fragment bot.
5. After that, you shall make the first bid, then auction will started. When someone outbids your bid, you will receive your bet back on your wallet.
As soon as the auction finished you will receive the highest bid minus 5% and 5 TON commission.
How to buy an username
You can pay for the purchase only with TON cryptocurrency, so first you need to download Tonkeeper wallet and buy coins.
1. Go to
2. Connect your account with Connect Telegram and your wallet with Connect TON button.
3. Choose the username you like on the main page.
4. Click on choosen username and then press Place bid and start auction button.
The duration of the auctions is 7 days, the minimum bid is currently started from 390 TON and decreases by 5% every day if the auction is not started, but minimal price is 104 TON.
Click on Subscribe to updates to allow the @fragment bot to send you all new bids notifications for the domain you are interest in.
5. When the auction is completed, the username will appear in your Tonkeeper wallet and you will be able to set it as username at the Telegram.